Glassman Chipper Book Club

  • CrossFit Journal | "The Muted Hip"

    The most powerful forces that can be generated by the human body are initiated, controlled, and dominated by the hip. Unfortunately, in the majori...
  • CrossFit Journal | "Sub 7:00 2K Row" + "The Muscle Up"

    Our purpose here is to show specifically how a simple goal, like rowing a seven-minute two thousand meters, can not only be systematically and deliberately approached from multiple protocols, but can generally encourage similar thinking in pursuing other fitness milestones.
  • CrossFit Journal | What is Fitness?

    Imagine a world where the only definition of fitness was "the ability to transmit genes and being healthy" That was where the fitness industry was at just 20 years ago. In comes Greg Glassman and CrossFit where not only did we define what Fitness was and how our definition changed the way we looked at Health but that definition would someday birth a revolutionary test that set out to find who the "Fittest on Earth" really were.
  • CrossFit Journal | "The Garage Gym"

    The ideal gym would be located close to home or work, well equipped, clean, and manned by knowledgeable helpful staff. Our ideal gym would also not be overly crowded yet available to friends and family that we’d like to workout with. An ideal gym would be supportive of hard-core fitness, a la CrossFit. As long as we’re dreaming it might also play only the music that we want to hear.